Anam Equine Massage Therapy

Elizabeth Nicholson, LLAMT ~ (503) 287-7780

Benefits Of Massage

1. Muscular System
– Relieves muscular tension
– Reduces soreness and fatigue
– Reduces trigger point formation
– Manually separates muscle fibers
– Improves performance (balance and posture)
– Increases range of motion
– Tones weak muscles
– Improves muscular nutrition
2. Skeletal System
– Increases mineral retention
– Promotes fracture healing
3. Digestive System
– Promotes evacuation of the colon
– Relieves colic and intestinal gas
– Stimulates digestion
4. Nervous System
– Promotes relaxation
– Decreases pain
 relieves local and referred pain caused by hypersensitive
trigger points
 stimulates the release of endorphins
 pressure of a massage interferes with pain information entering
the spinal cord by stimulating pressure receptors
 interrupts the pain cycle by relieving muscular spasms,
increasing circulation, and promoting rapid disposal of waste
– Activates sensory receptors
5. Cardiovascular System
– Dilates blood vessels
– Improves blood circulation
– Stimulates release of acetylcholine and histamine for sustained
– Replenishes nutritive materials
– Reduces ischemia
– Decreases blood pressure and reduces heart rate
6. Integumentary
– Increases skin temperature
– Improves skin condition
– Reduces superficial keloid formation
7. Respiratory System
– Reduces respiration rate
– Strengthens the respiratory muscles
– Decrease of asthma (COPD/Heaves) attacks
– Increases fluid discharge from the lungs
– Improves pulmonary functions
 Increase in the total amount of air that can be forcibly inspired
and expired from the lungs in one breath
8. Urinary System
– Increases urine output
– Promotes the excretion of metabolic wastes
9. Endocrine System
– Increases dopamine and serotonin levels. Linked to decreased stress
levels and reduced depression.
– Reduces cortisol level. Reduces cortisol level by activating the
relaxation response. Elevated levels of cortisol not only represent
heightened stress but also inhibited immune function.
– Reduces norepinephrine level. Reduces norepinephrine, which is
linked to the relaxation response.
10. Lymphatic System
– Promotes lymph circulation
– Increases lymphocyte count
– Increases the number and function (or cytotoxicity) of natural killer

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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